Botwars Ascendance Developer's Update - October 10, 2024

October 10, 2024

Introducing Enhanced Consequences for Ship Destruction

In our latest update for Botwars Ascendance, we’ve taken community feedback to heart and overhauled the life and death mechanics to deepen the gameplay experience. Previously, the consequences of having your mothership destroyed felt too mild and did not adequately impact player strategy or the sense of risk. To address this, we've introduced significant repercussions for losing your mothership in battle.

Now, when your mothership is destroyed, you will respawn at the New Haven Shipyard at coordinates 0.0, but with only a fraction of your HP and shields intact. This change aims to heighten the stakes in every skirmish and encourage players to think strategically about every engagement. To aid in your recovery, resources can be purchased from Dimitriy at the shipyard, allowing for quicker repairs and a faster return to action.

Future Plans: Expanding the Shipyard Experience

Looking ahead, we envision transforming the New Haven Shipyard into a fully interactive hub. Here, players will have the option to dock damaged motherships for repairs, while swapping them out for one of their other vessels. This future update is designed to enhance the sense of ownership and attachment to your fleet, with each mothership offering unique characteristics and strategic options.

Friend or Foe

Identifying potential threats from afar has just become more intuitive in Botwars Ascendance. Our latest update allows you to hover your mouse over distant ships, providing instant visibility into their stats and level. Take heed of Red Skull enemies—they're a notch above the ordinary, and you might want to steer clear until you've powered up sufficiently. We plan to continually refine these mechanics, taking both our observations and community feedback into account to perfect this feature.

Clearer Missions

Navigating missions is smoother than ever. We've enhanced the thematic consistency of locations within the game world, making it easier to pinpoint mission objectives. Additionally, we've introduced a new display for mission-specific resources; asteroids required for missions will now be clearly marked, ensuring you never miss a critical item. Looking ahead, we aim to integrate overarching storylines and unique mission chains to enrich the narrative experience.

Easier Resource Gathering

Resource gathering is fundamental to the Botwars Ascendance experience, and our updates are making it more efficient. With the new automatic Loop resource system, your mining and gas harvester ships will continue to extract resources in a cycle until depleted. This automation allows you to focus on more strategic tasks like defending against hostile bots. Future updates will introduce a wider variety of resources, specialized ships for different types of mining, and options to secure your operations against enemy attacks.

Resource Clarity

Understanding your available resources is crucial, and our latest feature ensures you're always informed. A new hover-over popup now displays your current resource levels whenever you're about to spend them—no more guessing if you've got enough to proceed with your plans! As we move forward, our focus remains on refining the gameplay experience to be challenging yet intuitive. We invite the community to suggest additional areas where this feature could be implemented to help clarify gameplay mechanics.

Balancing Enhancements

  • Progression Satisfaction: Each level-up now marks a notable increase in your Mothership's capabilities compared to the Bots, ensuring that your progress feels rewarding and impactful.
  • Blueprint Optimization: We've refined the stats and balance of ship blueprints to accentuate differences among ships, enriching the strategic depth and decision-making in ship selection.
  • Combat Adjustments: To address the challenge of being overwhelmed and quickly defeated ("insta-death"), we're testing new gameplay mechanics. These aim to reduce the frequency and frustration of sudden defeats, especially when facing formidable Red Skull enemies—proceed with caution!

Future Plans - Please note that the balancing process is ongoing and will evolve based on player feedback. We plan to further review ship modules and adjust the resource costs associated with building and repairing, ensuring a fair and enjoyable game environment.

Thank You for Your Support!

As we continue to refine and enhance Botwars Ascendance, your feedback has been invaluable. We're committed to making this game not just challenging, but also deeply rewarding and enjoyable. Keep sending us your thoughts, participate in community discussions, and help us shape the future of this exciting universe. Don't forget to follow us on our social media platforms and subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates and behind-the-scenes insights.

Stay engaged, Commanders, and see you in the next update!

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Philipe C.
Philipe C.
Oct 10, 2024


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